Packing For the Dogs

When we travel not only do I have to think about four of us, but I also must pack for the dogs.  We have two labs, Thor, and Loki.  They go everywhere with us.  So, when we travel, I have certain things for them that I must make sure to pack.  For starters, I must pack their dog food and bowls. They like to eat just like we do, so leaving that behind wouldn’t be very nice, lol.  Then I must make sure I pack their water bowl and water for them if we are going to be somewhere that does not have drinking water.  Then I must pack their leashes, poop bags (yuck) and their toys. So, I don’t have to pack a lot for Thor and Loki, but I still must pack their essentials, just like I would for the four of us!

Loki and Thor


1 Comment

  1. Eric

    Nice. We added nail clippers and nail styptic for broken nails. Have a muzzle in case of emergency, injured dogs can become defensive even to owners. Also bring a spare collar and leash, we have come across lost dog before.

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