With us traveling to different events, classes, and projects we are constantly packing to be on the road so much. I constantly get asked, “How do you pack for everyone so often?”
Well, it isn’t simple but over the past two years I have tried to make it as easy as possible for all of us. I look at how many days we are going to be gone and what the weather will be like for where we are traveling to. Our boys are old enough now that they are responsible for packing their own suitcase. Yes, I help them out, but they are responsible so if they forget then that’s on them. May sound mean but they must learn. I feel this will make them better humans in the long run 🙂
A simple list for them would look like this for a 4-night trip when it is going to be warm outside:
5 pair of shorts
1 pair of jeans
5 t-shirts
1 hoodie
5 pair of underwear
5 paid or socks
3 pair of pjs
I also plan for an extra outfit because most of the time where we are going doesn’t have a washer and dryer.