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The Stories behind the morrison's.

some cool adventures and a wild ride that we have to share!

Follow along with us as we share our adventures of living full time in a RV with both of our boys and our two dogs! We want to share our adventures with you in hopes that they inspire your family to get outdoors and share what we have learned from being on the road full time!

Unpacking After a Trip

Unpacking After a Trip If you are like me then you are so excited to go on a trip and packing can be fun.  It is the unpacking I don’t

Living Life with Alpha-Gal Syndrome

Living Life with Alpha-Gal Syndrome so far…… I grew up playing in the woods, camping, hunting with my daddy, riding bikes, playing outside and much more.  Yeah, I knew about

Happy 15th Anniversary Mike!

Happy 15th Anniversary Mike! Happy Anniversary Mike! I love you more today than I did 15 years ago when I stood in front of you and everyone else and vowed

Appalachian Toyota Round-UP

Appalachian Toyota Round-Up 2022 Over Labor Day Weekend (September 1-4) we had the privilege to attend Appalachian Toyota Round-UP (ATR) 2022. We were able to teach 3 different classes while

Packing For the Dogs

Packing For the Dogs When we travel not only do I have to think about four of us, but I also must pack for the dogs.  We have two labs,

Packing, Packing and More Packing

With us traveling to different events, classes, and projects we are constantly packing to be on the road so much. I constantly get asked, “How do you pack for everyone

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behind the scenes

Packing Kitchen Items When Traveling

As a general rule of thumb we try not to eat out often, especially now that I have Alpha-Gal Syndrome.  So that means I get to cook every night.  At

Wheels & Tires: Overland Budget Build

While I feel good about the purchase of our 1999 Toyota Landcruiser there was work that needed to be done. Our truck was ready to hit the road as is

First Time Off-Roading….

Off-Roading as a Passenger Are you new to off-roading as a passenger or just new to off-roading in general? I want to first tell you about my first experience as


As I sit at the table working and watching the snow fall here in Western North Carolina I can’t help but remember back to a couple of weeks ago when

Overland Budget Build

Well the time has come as our business needs have grown for us to add a training vehicle to the fleet. Our goal we set for ourselves was being able

It’s been a while….

It’s been a while since I have written any updates.  Now’s the perfect time as any, right?  Not much has changed we still live in our camper, well when we

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